Have you ever dreamed of studying in a foreign country, experiencing big-city life or immersing yourself in a different culture? Your college years are a great time to see the world! UVI offers you many opportunities to study abroad while earning college credits and gaining valuable work and life experience.
NSE provides students with the opportunity to gain transferable college credit while learning at almost 200 institutions in the United States including Puerto Rico, Alaska, Guam and Hawaii. Opportunities are also available in Canada. Students learn about different cultures, experience different geographical locations, explore graduate school and employment options, enroll in courses not presently offered at UVI, expand their world view, and experience personal growth and enrichment.
For information, contact Patricia Towal on the Albert A. Sheen Campus, St. Croix and Dahlia Stridiron on the Orville E. Kean Campus, St. Thomas.
Info For UVI Students Info For NSE StudentsTWC offers semester and summer term internships that are tailored to each student's interests and goals. The program includes rigorous academic coursework that is enhanced through special lectures and other programming. Students who attend may receive credit through UVI's independent study courses.
For information, contact Leslyn Tonge, TWC Liaison in the Office of the Provost at (340) 693-1200 or visit http://www.twc.edu.
Xavier University of Louisiana offers 46 majors at the undergraduate, graduate and professional degree levels in the arts, sciences and pharmacy. Its pre-medical program ranks first in the nation in the number of African American graduates admitted to medical school. Its College of Pharmacy is among the nation’s top three producers of African American Doctor of Pharmacy degree recipients. If selected to participate, students continue to pay UVI tuition for the semester. Room and board must be paid to Xavier University, but these costs will not exceed those of UVI.
To apply, contact Prof. Robert Terrasi or Dr. Rocio Delgado. Information on Xavier University of Louisiana is available at http://www.xula.edu.
UVI’s International Study Abroad Program offers classes and opportunities in over 45 countries for a variety of majors. Studying in a foreign country expands your intellectual growth and professional potential and enables you to immerse yourself in a foreign culture, exposing you to different world-views, environments, history, cuisine and religions. This international program can be customized and designed to extend from one summer session to a full academic year. For information, contact UVI's International Study Abroad Program, contact Dr. Rocio Delgado or Prof. Robert Terrasi.
CCSA is a consortium of United States colleges and universities that jointly offers study abroad programs in English-speaking regions. Participants can receive higher education credits (undergraduate and graduate) for successfully completing the CCSA program. Classes are taught by faculty from consortium member schools. Programs run for 14 days to one month in Winter and Spring Intersession as well as during Summer Sessions. UVI is a CCSA consortium member. For more information, contact Patricia Towal on the Sheen Campus, St. Croix or Leslyn Tonge or Dahlia Stridiron on St. Thomas Campus or www.ccsa.cc
The UOGWE mission is to promote UVI’s goal of becoming a truly global university. By providing its resources and support, UOGWE works to expand the diversity of our study abroad enterprise; increase and diversify our international student population; and build transformative, strategic partnerships around the world. UOGWE encourages all members of the UVI community to incorporate global perspectives in their work, studies, and activities. We offer a comprehensive range of international and intercultural educational opportunities for University faculty, staff, and students alike. Some of our activities include:
Please contact us or visit our offices at ACC 227 (second floor) to find out how we can help you on your path to becoming a global citizen.