The University of the Virgin Islands is pleased to invite you to the doctoral dissertation defense of Gary Molloy on Thursday, March 6, at 6 PM AST.
The topic is: “A Critical Documentary Analysis of Workforce Development Policies in the United States with particular reference to the United States Virgin Islands: An Expanding Vision".
This study critically explores the development of workforce policies in both the U.S. mainland and the U.S. Virgin Islands (USVI), highlighting the crucial role of aligning education and training with industry demands to drive economic growth. Through a detailed historical and documentary analysis, the research traces the evolution of workforce policies from the 19th century to the present, emphasizing key legislative milestones and their impact on the labor market.
The study identifies ongoing challenges, such as the skills gap and the unique economic conditions in the USVI, which complicate efforts to develop an effective workforce. It stresses the importance of creating policies that are tailored to local labor market conditions while also focusing on adaptability and resilience. By examining workforce
development policies from the New Deal era to the implementation of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) from 2014 to 2023, the study provides valuable insights into both the successes and the continuing challenges in building a skilled and inclusive labor force.
The research advocates for future workforce development initiatives to emphasize collaboration, data-driven decision-making, and flexibility, ensuring that both the USVI and the mainland U.S. can effectively meet the demands of a rapidly changing economy.
Gary will present via Microsoft Teams where he will provide an executive summary of his work, and field questions from his committee followed by questions from attendees. Visit the link: CLIC Dissertation Defense Gary Molloy.docx
The TEAMS Link
All interested faculty, students, and the wider community are invited to participate.