UVI Research and Technology Park

Student Research Symposia

summer symposium 2019
uvi world cloud

25th Annual UVI Fall Undergraduate Research Symposium

Sunday, September 15th, 2024

Undergraduate students presented speed talks to showcase their summer research projects.

Click here for the  abstract book (PDF).


The UVI Annual Student Research Symposia take place each year in fall. Students present the results of their research projects in a two-hour scientific poster session.  Hosted by the ECS Program, the symposia showcase student research with faculty at the University of the Virgin Islands, as well as at other mainland institutions in STEM disciplines including biology, marine biology, chemistry, education, computer science, technology, physics, astronomy, engineering, agriculture, psychology, social science, marine biology, and mathematics. In the Fall Symposium, a panel of judges evaluate the student presentations and provide feedback. The symposia are organized by the ECS Program in collaboration with the College of Science and Mathematics. The events are free and open to the public. The community is encouraged to attend and learn more about student research opportunities. Funding and additional support are provided by federal student training grants and private donations.

Donors interested in sponsoring awards and prizes for winners of the symposia or community members interested in volunteering to serve as judges are asked to contact us for more information. Click here for more sponsorship opportunities.

Questions? Email ecs@uvi.edu or call 340-692-4109.

Winners: (1st place) Abrar Husein, (2nd place) Danny Lynch
Answers to Frequently Asked Questions for Presenters
  • Who is eligible to present?

All UVI undergraduate and graduate students that have completed a research project, either at UVI with a faculty mentor or through a summer research program are eligible to present a poster at the symposium. Minors will have to get permission from parents (or legal guardian) to participate.

  • How do I register for the symposium?

Students are required to complete an online registration form. Typically, registration is opened about a month before the event date and a link to the online form is available from the ECS Homepage.

  • Are there travel awards and fee waivers available?

All costs for ECS scholars and undergraduate Science & Math majors will be covered by one of our supporting grants. Additional vouchers may be available for grad students and non-ECS affiliated presenters. Contact us at ecs@uvi.edu to verify if you qualify for a fee waiver and travel assistance.

  • How should I format my abstract?

Click here for our Abstract Guidelines with tips on how to write an abstract. Please be sure to have your mentor review and approve your abstract before submitting. The following information is a short outline of what an abstract must contain: 
+ Title
+ Name(s) of Presenter(s) and any additional author(s)
+ Name of Mentor(s)
+ Name of Research Institution/Location and affiliations
+ Abstract Paragraph
+ Acknowledgment of Funding Source(s)

  • What are the judging criteria?

Click here for Presentation Evaluation Criteria - Presenters will be evaluated based on their visual material(s), research content, oral presentation, and ability to answer questions.

  • What grant number and logo should I include on my abstract and poster?

Grant Numbers:
+ NSF HBCU-UP ACE Grant = 1623126
+ NIH RISE Research Program = 2R25GM061325
+ NIH MARC Research Trainee Program = 5T34GM008422

Emerging Caribbean Scientist Graphic
+ National Science Foundation (NSF) - http://www.nsf.gov/images/logos/nsf1.jpg
+ National Institutes of Health (NIH) - https://www.nih.gov/sites/default/files/about-nih/2012-logo.png
+ UVI Logos and Graphics

  • What is the format and dimensions of the posters?

DIMENSIONS - Height = 36 inches; Width = 48 inches (landscape layout)
FORMAT - Microsoft PowerPoint file limited to 1 slide (Examples)
Poster Design and Presentation Tips

  • How do I get my poster printed?

First, make sure your poster is approved by your mentor. You must have a PowerPoint slide formatted to the correct dimensions. Posters can be printed at the Conservation Data Center (CDC) on the St. Thomas campus which is located by the UVI CELL & EPSCOR offices by contacting Mr. Stevie Henry, 693-1033, shenry@uvi.edu. Make a printing appointment at least a week before your presentation. Please be sure to contact him in advance and make arrangements for a pick up time and date. If you have questions, send an email ecs@uvi.edu.

  • What is the recommended dress code?

We recommend that participants dress in professional, business attire for poster and oral presentations. No jeans. A suit and tie is not necessary but a buttoned shirt and slacks are recommended. Ladies should avoid clothes that are too tight, revealing, or very short. Also, accessorize moderately and avoid large and extravagant jewelry. Wear comfortable shoes since you will be standing for a long time. Remember, the focus should be on your presentation, not your appearance. 

  • What are the costs?

The registration fee covers cost for food, abstract booklets, name tags, poster printing, supplies, and more. It does not include costs for travel and airfare. ECS scholars and undergraduate Science & Math majors will be covered by one of our supporting grants. Additional vouchers may be available for non-ECS affiliated presenters. Contact us at ecs@uvi.edu to verify if you qualify for a fee waiver and travel assistance.