Founded in 1962, UVI is a public, co-ed, land-grant HBCU in the United States Virgin Islands.
The University of the Virgin Islands President serves as the Principal Investigator
on the UVI Title III and SAFRA grant programs. Before the commencement of each five-year
cycle, the President establishes a programmatic theme, based on the University's Strategic
Plan. Faculty and staff may be invited to submit project pre-proposals consistent
with the theme and the overall objectives of the program. The Request for Proposals
describes the program theme and the deadline by which pre-proposals must be submitted
to the Office of the President.
When submitting proposals, members of faculty and staff are required to conform to
the internal review requirements of their respective colleges/schools. Proposals submitted
to the President will not be considered if they have not been approved by the Dean,
Division Chair or Unit Head, Vice Provost for Research and Public Service (if applicable),
the Provost, and the Title III Project Administration Office.
The UVI President determines which projects will be incorporated into the institution's
application to the U.S. Department of Education, based on the consistency of any proposed
project with the selected theme and with the institution’s strategic plan. The Title
III office will notify the project directors for each of the selected projects, invite
them to prepare full proposals for consideration by the U.S. Department of Education,
and provide them with instructions and technical assistance for doing so. Project
proposals are not accepted for consideration if received by the Title III office after
the established deadline.
Model proposals, depicting the proposal format(s) that should be utilized, and all
necessary forms are available from the Title III Coordinator at the Title III Project
Administration Office. The project proposals must contain the following:
Draft proposals may be submitted to the Title III Project Administration Office, not later than ten (10) working days prior to the federal deadline to allow ample time for review, revision, and preparation of the full UVI proposal.