Based on the American Psychological Association (APA) goals for Psychology Majors, students graduating at the Baccalaureate level will
be competent in the following areas:
- Knowledge Base in Psychology: Demonstrate fundamental knowledge and comprehension
of the major concepts, theoretical perspectives, historical trends, and empirical
findings to discuss how psychological principles apply to behavioral problems,
- Scientific Inquiry and Critical Thinking: Demonstrate scientific reasoning and problem
solving, effective research methods focusing on theory use as well as designing and
executing research plans.
- Ethical and Social Responsibility in a Diverse World: Demonstrate adherence to professional
values that will help them optimize their contributions and work effectively, even
with those who do not share their heritage and traditions, including the adoption
of personal and professional values that can strengthen community relationships and
- Communication: Produce a research study or other psychological project, explain scientific
results, and present information to a professional audience, and display flexible
interpersonal approaches that optimize information exchange and relationship development.
Professional Development: Apply psychological content and skills to career goals,
exhibit self-efficacy and self-regulation, project-management skills, teamwork capacity
and develop meaningful professional direction for life after graduation.