1990-2001 Resolutions and Policies

  1. RESOLUTION: To authorize the expenditure of University funds to organize and implement an inauguration program and related activities for the third President of the University of the Virgin Islands.
  2. RESOLUTION: To authorize the construction of student housing facilities on the St. Thomas and St. Croix campuses; to authorize the advancement of funds to temporarily finance the project; to authorize the issuance of up to $10 million in bonds to refinance University advances and to finance the project
  3. RESOLUTION: Resolution on alcohol and drug abuse prevention and education
  1. RESOLUTION: To authorize the Board of Directors of the Foundation to sell at public auction 298-350 acres on St. Croix which was received as a gift from the Enron Corporation.
  1. RESOLUTION: To authorize the Chairman of the board to petition the Legislature for legislation increasing the funding provided to the University by the Government
  2. RESOLUTION: Budget Resolution for Fiscal 1991-92
  1. RESOLUTION: Resolution for the naming of the Marine Science Facility
  2. RESOLUTION: Resolution for the awarding of Honorary Doctorate Degrees
  3. RESOLUTION: To authorize the establishment of an International Scholarship Endowment Fund from the proceeds of the inauguration activities for the third president
  1. RESOLUTION: To set tuition rates for the 1992-93 fiscal year and for the 1993-94 fiscal year and to fix rates for room and board charges for 1992-93
  2. RESOLUTION: Resolution to authorize the arrangements for up to $5 million in bond anticipation notes for the financing of the construction of a residence hall and ancilliary services on the St. Croix campus and the construction of dormitories o n the St. Thomas campus and authorizing up to $12 million in bonds for such projects
  3. RESOLUTION: Resolution authorizing issuance of $5,000,000 General Obligation Bond Anticipation Notes of the University
  4. RESOLUTION: To approve BA in Speech Communication
  5. RESOLUTION: To award Honorary Degree to Ralph M. Paiewonsky posthumously
  1. RESOLUTION: To authorize the purchase of microcomputers for instruction
  2. RESOLUTION: To change the name of the field station located at Lameshur Bay to the Virgin Islands Environmental Resource station
  3. RESOLUTION: To recognize and award Magdalene Bryan for her exemplary service to the University
  4. RESOLUTION: To reconsider implementing the equalization of tuition fees
  1. RESOLUTION: To provide for a non-refundable enrollment confirmation deposit of $100.
  2. RESOLUTION: To increase graduation fee for 1993-94
  1. RESOLUTION: To amend the policy on sabbatical leave by removing the requirement that it be approved by the Board of Trustees
  2. RESOLUTION: To grant Trustee Emeritus Status to Howard Jones
  3. RESOLUTION: To amend the policy on leave of absence without pay by extending the period for which leaves may be granted from two to four years
  4. RESOLUTION: To authorize the President and Vice President for Business and Financial Affairs to set the final terms of the Bond Anticipation Agreement
  1. RESOLUTION: To further amend sabbatical leave policy
  2. RESOLUTION: To amend faculty employment related to tenure (See August 1993 #3)
  3. RESOLUTION: To approve increase in residence hall fees
  4. RESOLUTION: To approve differential in room fee and new fee schedule for 1994-95
  1. RESOLUTION: To approve an operational budget for the Foundation
  2. RESOLUTION: Budget Resolution for FY 1993-94
  3. RESOLUTION: To amend the faculty employment policy related to the granting of tenure
  1. RESOLUTION: To amend the New Tenure and Employment Policy to Accept Service in the rank of Instructor at another institution toward eligibility for tenure
  2. RESOLUTION: To drop the Banking and Finance Associate in Arts degree program
  1. RESOLUTION: To approve the design development drawings for the St. Croix campus residence hall and ancillary services facility
  2. RESOLUTION: Resolution authorizing issuance of $25,000,000 General Obligation Bonds of the University
  3. RESOLUTION: To institute a Computer Literacy requirement as a condition for earning a degree at the University
  4. RESOLUTION: To adopt a two-year rate schedule for tuition fees
  1. RESOLUTION: Resolution authorizing issuance of up to $15,000,000 General Obligation Bonds of the University of the Virgin Islands
  2. RESOLUTION: Budget Resolution for FY 1994-95
  1. RESOLUTION: Resolution authorizing the mortgaging of certain properties pursuant to a first priority mortgage
  2. RESOLUTION: Resolution authorizing the refinancing of capital leases
  1. RESOLUTION: To authorize a revolving a line of credit at CMB or another authorized depository
  2. RESOLUTION: To approve a new degree program leading to an associate of science in computer science at the University
  1. RESOLUTION: Budget resolution for fiscal 1995-96
  1. RESOLUTION: To grant non-exclusive perpetual easement
  2. RESOLUTION: To authorize the mortgage of certain properties for a $ 5,000,000 revolving line of credit at Chase Bank
  3. RESOLUTION: Authorizing the financing of the insurance premium
  4. RESOLUTION: To authorize the implementation of a retirement incentive for employees participating in TIAA/CREF
  5. RESOLUTION: Budget Resolution FY1996-97
  6. RESOLUTION: To approve a two year schedule for 1996-97 and 1997-98
  7. RESOLUTION: To approve a 2-year room and board fee for 96-97 and 97-98
  1. RESOLUTION: To replace the BS in chemistry with physics with a BS of science in chemistry
  2. RESOLUTION: To establish a new degree leading to an associate of arts in Inclusive Early Childhood Education
  1. RESOLUTION: Resolution authorizing the financing of certain insurance premiums (No.RC026993 and RC0269940
  1. RESOLUTION: To authorize the closure of the Bachelor of Arts Degree Program in Caribbean Studies
  2. RESOLUTION: To authorize the closure of the Bachelor of Arts Degree Program in Spanish
  3. RESOLUTION: To authorize the President to suspend admission of new student to academic programs while such programs are undergoing suspension or closure
  4. RESOLUTION: To authorize the closure of the Associate of Arts Degree program in Agriculture
  1. RESOLUTION: To authorize submission to the Governor and Legislature of the VI the University's 1997-98 appropriation request
  2. RESOLUTION: To award merit increases on a basis which accounts for past performance ratings previously recognized
  1. RESOLUTION: To approve increases for tuition and fees for academic years 1998-99 and 1999-2000
  2. RESOLUTION: To authorize credit lines to provide up-front cash for federal cost reimbursable grants
  3. RESOLUTION: To approve a two-year rate schedule for room and board fees for academic years 1998-99 and 1999-2000
  4. RESOLUTION: To approve rate increases for tuition and fees for fiscal 1998-99 and 1999-2000 and to increase the student Orientation fees for students on the St. Croix campus
  5. RESOLUTION: To grant Trustee Emeritus status to Dr. Alfred Heath, Ms. Ruth Thomas, Dr. Sylvia Ross Talbot, Mr. Patrick Williams and Dr. Howard Jones and Vice President Emeritus status to Dr. Darshan Padda
  1. RESOLUTION: To authorize the financing of the insurance premium
  1. RESOLUTION: To amend the Line of Credit Resolution approved on October 25, 1997 to provide up-front cash for FEMA hazard mitigation
  2. RESOLUTION: To authorize the adoption of the Bachelor of Science Degree in Computer Science
  3. RESOLUTION: To authorize the President to increase the enrollment of off-island, non-resident students by approximately 200
  1. RESOLUTION: Board of Trustees Resolution to Award Merit Increases
  2. RESOLUTION: To make the one-time merit award for FY97-98 permanent going forward from FY98-99
  1. RESOLUTION: To approve a merit increase for the President
  2. RESOLUTION: A resolution to grant Professor Emeritus Status to Governor Charles Turnbull
  3. RESOLUTION: To approve extension of AA in Inclusive Early Childhood education to accommodate another cohort of 30
  4. RESOLUTION: To authorize the line of credit for up-front reimbursable costs for federal grant projects
  1. RESOLUTION: To authorize the issuance of up to $20,000,000 General Obligation Bonds of the University
  2. RESOLUTION: To authorize the University to Take Preliminary Action in Connection with the Proposed Issuance of up to $22,000,000 General Obligation Bonds ( Capital Financing Program) of the University of the Virgin Islands
  1. RESOLUTION: To amend and restate the resolution authorizing the issuance of $20,000,000 General Obligation Bonds
  2. RESOLUTION: To amend the guidelines for the FY99-2000 Sustainable Budget
  1. RESOLUTION: To grant approval of the initial phase of the capital improvement projects for St. Thomas and St. Croix
  1. RESOLUTION: To purchase 210 acres at Estate Adelphi at Brewers Bay
  2. RESOLUTION: Budget Resolution for Fiscal 2000-2001
  3. RESOLUTION: To approve Affinity Card Program between Chase Manhattan Bank and UVI 
  1. RESOLUTION: Extension of the Retirement Incentive Program for TIAA/CREF
  2. RESOLUTION: To Authorize participation of eligible UVI employees in the Public Employees Voluntary Separation Incentive Act of 2000
  3. ACTION: Approval of Tenure for Dr. James Battey
  4. ACTION: Approval of Tenure for Dr. Adelle Belle
  5. RESOLUTION: Approval of Emeritus Status for Dr. Frank Heikkila
  6. RESOLUTION: Approval os Emeritus Status for Dr. Paul Leary
  7. RESOLUTION: Approval of Emeritus Status for Dr. Judith Grybowski
  8. RESOLUTION: Approval of Emeritus Status for Prof. Helen Gjessing
  9. RESOLUTION: Approval of Emeritus Status for Dr. Gail Foster-Strauss
  10. RESOLUTION: Approval of Emeritus Status for Dr. Carmen Padgett
  11. RESOLUTION: Approval of Emeritus Status for Dr. Harold Lutchman
  12. RESOLUTION: Approval of Emeritus Status for Dr. Pearl Varlack 
  1. RESOLUTION: Approve offering of AA in Inclusive Early Childhood Education to new Cohorts
  2. RESOLUTION: Approve implementation of a 3-year pilot project on Asynchronous Distance Learning (ADL) that will determine the approaches, fees and policies to be used in UVI ADL activities
  3. RESOLUTION: To approve a Collaborative BS in Applied Mathematics with Washington University or Columbia University
  4. ACTION: Tenure recommendation for Martin Lamkin
  5. ACTION: Approval of the Vision, Mission, Strategic Thrust and Goals of the Strategic Plan 2000-2005 
  1. RESOLUTION: To authorize The Building and Grounds Committee to approve design documents for major construction projects
  2. ACTION: Approve tenure for Keishiro Matsomuto
  3. ACTION: Emerita Status for Marilyn Krigger
  4. RESOLUTION: Approval of governance structure and legislative framework for UVI Research and Technology Park
  5. RESOLUTION: Proposed tax benefits for Research and Technology Park
  1. RESOLUTION: Approval for Improvement of Salaries and Benefits
  2. RESOLUTION: Approval of Rules Governing Appeals to the Board of Trustees (See amended Rules under June 2012 Resolutions and Policies)
  3. RESOLUTION: To authorize President to explore the possibility of rezoning with the Department of Planning and Natural Resources and with adjacent property owners the rezoning from R-2 to B-2, the Sugden property.
  4. RESOLUTION: Approve to authorize addition of Associate in Applied Science (A.A. S.) Degree.
  5. RESOLUTION: Approve tenure for Dr. Agatha Nelson
  6. RESOLUTION: Approve tenure for Dr. Richard Hall 

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Updated 07.14.11