Located on the 1st floor of the Administration and Conference Center (ACC), Rm. 119 on the St. Thomas Campus and the 3rd Floor of the Evans Building on St. Croix, the Office of the Registrar is responsible for course registration, class scheduling, transfer credit evaluations, issuing of transcripts and diplomas in additon to other services as well.
Don’t know your student ID number? Student ID Lookup Form to quickly retrieve your student ID if you’ve misplaced it. Simply provide the required information, and we'll help you find your ID number in no time.
The Add/Drop-Change of Registration form is for students who need to add a class after the online registration period has ended. If permission is required, you will be notified to submit a separate request using the appropriate form to obtain instructor or departmental approval before the class can be added to your schedule.
Matriculated students who were admitted, enrolled, and began attendance at the University of the Virgin Islands but have not attended for two or more consecutive semesters (excluding summer sessions)—must complete a Re-admission Application to return to the University. If you are unsure whether you need to apply for re-admission, please contact the Registrar’s Office at (340) 693-1160 or registrar@uvi.edu.
Students who are unable to complete their coursework due to extenuating circumstances may request an Administrative Withdrawal after the standard withdrawal period has ended.
The Grade Status Change Request form is for students seeking to change the grading status of a course from audit to credit or from credit to audit. Requests must be submitted by the deadlines specified in the Academic Calendar
The “Withdrawal Form” is used to withdraw from a class or all classes at UVI.
Need proof of enrollment? Submit the Enrollment Verification Request Form to request an official enrollment verification letter for employment, insurance, or other purposes. Processing times may vary, so be sure to request in advance.
Complete the registration form and email to registrar@uvi.edu. Registration Form
How can I request to Change my personal information.
Please allow 2-3 business days for your request to be processed. Once the change is completed it is effective immediately.
A comprehensive list of acceptable documents is provided on the address change form. Relevant documents may include:
You can view holds by logging into Banweb. Click on the Self Service for Students. And then on Statement and Payment History and in the right corner you will see the word Holds. When you select it will display if you have any holds or not.
The GPA is determined by dividing the total quality point earned by total credit hours attempted for grades of A, B, C, D and F. The highest grade in courses which have been repeated is used in the calculation.
Incomplete grades are expected to be used only when, in the opinion of the instructor, the student is passing the course at the time grades for the current semester are due, or when in the opinion of the instructor, there is likelihood that the student can satisfactorily complete the missing work which will influence the final grade. The instructor and student must define the terms under which the incomplete course work will be completed. The incomplete grade must be removed by mid-term of the semester following the one in which the grade of “I” was earned.
To request an incomplete grade, the student must submit a Request for Incomplete Grade form to the instructor.
To qualify for Residency Tuition, you must complete the Certification of Residency Form and provide the required supporting documents. These documents include tax returns, lease agreement, or utility bills. Additional requirements may apply based on your circumstances. To access the form, please visit Registrar’s Office website.
To withdraw from the University, you must complete the Withdrawal Form and submit it to the appropriate office. If you are attempting to withdraw after the specified deadline (refer to the Academic Calendar for dates), you will also need to obtain approval from your Dean for an Administrative Withdrawal. For more details and to access the form, please visit Registrar’s Office website
FERPA protects the privacy of student education records. FERPA gives parents certain rights with respect to their children's education records. These rights transfer to the student when he or she reaches the age of 18 or attends a school beyond the high school level. Students to whom the rights have transferred are "eligible students."
For more information visit the https://www.uvi.edu/registrar/ferpa.html
Grade change requests submitted by instructors or deans are typically processed within 2-3 business days. However, there are instances where additional review or approvals may be required, which could extend the processing time. Once finalized, the updated grade will reflect in your academic record. For any questions or concerns, please contact the Registrar's Office.
If you are attempting to withdraw after the specified deadline (refer to the Academic Calendar for dates), you will also need to obtain approval from your Dean for an Administrative Withdrawal.
Please refer to the Academic Calendar for the specific deadline dates for adding, dropping, or withdrawing from a class. To make schedule adjustments, you must complete the appropriate form. For more details and to access the form, please visit Registrar’s Office website
No, but please be mindful it may affect your Financial Aid.
Yes, you will be charged per credit hour for each additional credit. For more information, please review the tuition & fees.
You can view the classes available for registration by visiting the class schedule. This schedule provides a list of all courses offered for the upcoming term, including course times, locations, and prerequisites. Current students can register for classes, you can access the registration portal through your student account. Students that cannot access Banweb may submit a registration form by visiting the Registrar’s Office website.
If you encounter errors during registration (such as prerequisite errors or trying to enter a closed class), you may please visit Registrar’s Office website and complete the respective form for assistance.
Your academic advisor is assigned based on your class standing:
All students can find their advisor information by logging into MyCampus > Banweb > Student > Student Profile x9. Once there your advisor is listed.
Meeting with your advisor each semester is important to ensure you are on track to complete your degree requirements. Once advised, you will receive your registration PIN and can register for classes via Banner Self Service.
If you believe your advisor is incorrect or would like a new assignment, please contact the school or college for your major.
In some cases, you may be able to request an override to enter a closed course. To do so, you will need to complete the Request to Enter Closed Class form. To access the form, please visit Registrar’s Office website
You should apply for graduation at the beginning of the semester in which you plan to complete all degree requirements. For more information on the graduation process, please visit: https://www.uvi.edu/registrar/commencement.html
Deadlines to submit Applications for Graduation to the Registrar’s Office are as follows:
Please note that applications submitted after these dates will be accepted by the Registrar’s Office but do not carry any commitments regarding graduation processing and may require additional approval.
To ensure you meet all degree requirements, consult your departmental advisor. All requirements must be completed by the last day of final examinations in the semester in which you intend to graduate. Your department is responsible for clearing you for graduation and certifying to the Office of the Registrar that all requirements have been met. We strongly recommend that you consult with your academic advisor prior to your final semester to confirm you will meet all graduation requirements.
All transcript requests must be made with parchment. Please refer to the Transcript page and follow instructions.
The transcript cost is $10.00 per copy. Please allow 5 business days for processing time.
* Enrollment verifications may be provided upon request. There is no fee for this service.
Enrollment verification includes the following information:
To access the Enrollment verification form, please visit Registrar’s Office website.
Below lists the policies and information for the Office of the Registrar.
Resource | Description |
The wait list allows students the opportunity to be notified, via email when a space becomes available in a class. | |
VIew the course catalog to review UVI policies, paradigms, course descriptions, etc. | |
View information and updates about graduation. | |
All newly admitted students are required to participate in UVI's New Student Orientation. | |
The cashier's office handles all payments. | |
Incoming students can view the steps and guidelines for placement testing. | |
View our tuition and fee rates. | |
The Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords students certain rights with respect to their educational records. | |
A verterans guide UVI's application process. | |
View information relevant to the GI Bill. | |
Important registration information for veterans. | |
Learn more about how senior citizens can attend UVI. |
Orville E. Kean Campus - St. Thomas
Phone: 340-693-1160
Albert A. Sheen Campus - St. Croix
Phone: 340-692-4104
Email: registrar@uvi.edu