Founded in 1962, UVI is a public, co-ed, land-grant HBCU in the United States Virgin Islands.
These partnerships have allowed CMES to extend well beyond its existing capabilities and make significant accomplishments such as hosting the 33rd scientific conference for the AMLC (Association for Marine Labs of the Caribbean) in St. Thomas in June 2007. Significant funding was also secured through the National Science Foundation's VI-EPSCoR program which provided support for infrastructure improvements to facilitate research in Biocomplexity in Caribbean Coral Reefs and helped UVI establish a master's in Marine and Environmental Science (MMES) graduate program.
Phone: St. Thomas (340) 693-1381 Fax: (340) 693-1385
E-mail: pjobsis@live.uvi.edu
Website: http://cmes.uvi.edu
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