A Trustee who has distinguished himself or herself in an exemplary manner during his or her years of service on the Board of Trustees of the University of the Virgin Islands may, upon the recommendation of the Committee on Trustees of the Board of Trustees, be granted the status of Trustee Emeritus by majority vote of the Board of Trustees at any meeting. Those having served as Board Chair may be granted the status of Board Chair Emeritus.
Alexander A. Moorehead M.A.
Augusta E.Rimpel Jr
Alfred O. Heath, M.D.
Roy D. Jackson, Sr., CPA
Howard L. Jones, Ph.D.
Jennifer Nugent-Hill, M.P.A.
Bernard H. Paiewonsky, Ph.D. (deceased)
Sylvia Ross Talbot, Ed.D.
Edward. E. Thomas, B.A
Ruth E. Thomas, M.A., Ed.S. (deceased)
Yvonne E. L. Thraen, Ph.D.
Patrick N. Williams, M.A. (deceased)