ACC Building

Funding Your Gift

Your gift may be made in the form of cash, stocks and bonds, mutual funds, real estate, or personal property such as art, furnishings, and rare books and manuscripts. Different assets offer different tax advantages. Please consult your financial advisor to select the best way to give.

Cash gifts can be made to UVI using your VISA, MasterCard, or American Express cards via our online giving form. Checks should be made payable to the University of the Virgin Islands. Checks being made to the Foundations should be made payable to the Foundation for the University of the Virgin Islands or Reichhold Center for the Arts Foundation

donate secure

All donations can be mailed to the address below:

Office of Institutional Advancement
University of the Virgin Islands
#2 John Brewer's Bay
St. Thomas, VI 00802

Please be sure to indicate on the memo section of your check where you would like your gift directed.

Appreciated Securities
Gifting appreciated securities allows you to fund your gift while receiving a tax benefit. You can avoid losing a substantial portion of your earnings to the capital gains tax by making gifts of appreciated stock.

Regardless of the method of transferring stock, per IRS regulations, the value of the stock gift is always calculated on the date the transfer is RECEIVED by UVI or its broker. Similarly, the value is the average of the high and low price on the date the transfer was RECEIVED, not the date it was SENT.

Donors need to specify and confirm in writing the designation(s) for the gift. This letter should be addressed to the University of the Virgin Islands, ideally before the stock transfer is made.

Gifts of Personal Property
Also known as a gift-in-kind, gifts of personal property can be charitably gifted to UVI. Gifts-in-kind such as books, equipment, real estate, and artwork can qualify donors for charitable gift credit. Gifts-in-kind must be properly appraised through the donor's efforts.

UVI Giving Circles

  • UVI Partners: $10,000+
  • Ralph Paiewonsky Circle: $5,000 - $9,999
  • Founders' Circle: $1,000 - $4,999
  • Trustees' Circle: $500 - $999
  • President's Circle: $200 - $499
  • UVI Supporters: $100 - $199

For more information contact the University Development Office at (340) 693-1040.