If you do not know the location of your files folder, contact cmshelp@uvi.edu for assistance.

Uploading and linking to a PDF document

Follow the instructions below:

Once you have the file that you wish to upload on your computer you are ready to start.

  1. In Edit Mode, highlight the words to be used as the hyperlink.
  2. Click on the "Insert/Edit Hyperlink" button in the toolbar.
    Insert link button
  3. Click the "File Chooser" button.
    Insert PDF
  4. Navigate to your "files" folder.
  5. Upload and/or insert your PDF file.

    Upload a PDF

To upload several PDF documents at once.

Files uploaded using this technique must be published after upload.

  1. Navigate to your "files" folder.
  2. Select "Upload".
  3. Select " Add Files".
    NOTE: If you are replacing current files, select the checkbox "Overwrite Existing".
  4. Browser the files you wish to upload, add them to the list.
  5. Select "Start Upload".
  6. Once the files are uploaded, they must be published to the server. Mouse over options for each file, select "Publish".