AAS Campus

Student Disability Services

The mission of the UVI Disability Services for Students (DSS) program is to ensure that all students with self-disclosed disabilities have equal access to educational opportunities at the University of the Virgin Islands where they can participate freely and actively in all facets of University life.
DSS  program serves students with hearing, mobility, speech, and visual impairments; chronic illnesses, seizure disorders, psychological disabilities, and learning disabilities. Students with temporary disabilities may request services for the period during which they are disabled.

Disability Services provides assistance to students who meet the following criteria:

  1. The student have a documented physical, medical, and/or psychological condition; and
  2. Professionals have verified that the student needs individualized services in order to remove and/or minimize the disadvantages for the student.

Services Available through Disability Services

Services available through Disability Services and LAP, may include, but are not limited to:

  • Personal Counseling
  • Academic Counseling
  • Tutorial Assistance from Center for Student Success
  • Registration Assistance
  • Instructional & Testing Accommodations
  • Referral Services
  • Advocacy with Faculty and Staff
  • Special Interest Group Sessions
  • Campus Orientation

Requests for DSS are best started with a contact to the DSS Campus Coordinator. The forms to request accommodations are available on Health Hub in My Campus. Students need to alert their campus DSS Coordinator when a request is made in Health Hub.

When students are determined eligible for DSS the campus Coordinator plans an individualized program of services for them known as “academic accommodations”. The DSS Coordinator provides letters of accommodations addressed to the students’ instructors which are delivered via DocuSign. Academic accommodations are not intended to give students an unfair advantage, but to remove barriers that prevent students with disabilities from learning’ giving them equal access to academic instruction and an opportunity to demonstrate what they have learned.

Letters of Accommodation will be delivered to their instructors via DocuSign after the student signs letter delivered via DocuSign.
*Disability Services are not retroactive - academic accommodations begin when instructors receive the Letter of Accommodation via DocuSign.
*Accommodations need to be requested each semester via Health Hub. It is the responsibility of the student to do this in a timely way to have accommodations renewed.

For further information about disabilities services, please contact:

  • Counseling Office on Albert A. Sheen Campus - 340-692-4187
  • Counseling Office on St. Thomas Campus - 340-692-1136
  • sttdss@uvi.edu