It is helpful to make your course disability friendly. Our learning management system has accessibilty tools built in as well. Please explore these tools. It is helpful to put a statement in your syllabus concerning contacting Disabilties Services for Students if a student has a special need.
Sometimes, students may request accommodations without providing a Letter of Accommodation
from Disability Services for Students (DSS). To protect yourself, students, and UVI,
please advise students that you will need an Accommodation letter which they can request
from DSS. If qualified, a letter with the approved accommodation(s), based on their
documentation presented, will be prepared and sent to you via DocuSign.
We suggest that students understand their own disabilities; it is okay to inquire
how you may be able to provide further assistance if necessary. Please feel free to
contact us for any concerns your have in delivering accommodations.
Please Note: Accommodations are confidential so please hold that information confidentially. Accommodations are not retro-active.
Disability Services for Students may be contacted at: