Gadgets are software applications that provide streamlined functionality in Omni CMS.

How to display and use gadgets

The gadgets sidebar displays context-specific gadgets.

To access gadgets, click the tab with the plug icon located near the upper right corner of the screen.

Toggle Gadgets display

Click on a gadget to show or hide the gadget's menu options.

Open Gadget

Drag gadgets to change their location in the sidebar. 

Drag Gadget order

Click arrow down or up to scroll the gadgets in the sidebar.

Gadget scroll buttons

Gadget descriptions

Learn about each available gadget below.

Activity Gadget

See a list of the most recent actions that have been performed in your Omni CMS account, such as file publishes, recycles, and uploads with the Activity Gadget. The gadget displays up to 90 days of activity.

Bookmarks Gadget

Save any view within Omni CMS, including pages, folders, assets with the Bookmarks Gadget. 

Dependency Tag Info Gadget

Search for details about a dependency tag, such as which pages use it, with the Dependency Tag Info Gadget.

Dependency tags keeps track of links in your website that point to pages, files, or dynamic content in Omni CMS. It prevents links from breaking when a file is renamed or moved and tracks deleted content so you can easily identify and fix broken links.

Images Gadget

Preview and insert images onto a page while editing content with the Images Gadget.

Link Check Gadget

Find broken links on a page and send a message containing the results with Link Check Gadget.

My Checked-Out Content Gadget

See a list of every page or file, asset, and component currently checked out to you, including those in a workflow, with My Checked-Out Content Gadget.

Notes Gadget

Write public and private notes on a page, file, or asset with the Notes Gadget. Public notes are visible to anyone who views the page, file, or asset, while private notes are only visible to you. 

Page Analytics Gadget

Track page traffic, via Google analytics, with the Page Analytics Gadgets.

Page Info Gadget

See details about a page or file with the Page Info Gadget.

Page Parameters Gadget

Edit the page parameters while viewing the page with the Page Parameters Gadget.

Request Help Gadget

Send a message for help to a designated group with the Request Help Gadget.