An image list displays a list of images and text in a vertical list.


How to use Snippets?

Learn how to insert a snippet, edit the content of a snippet, and delete it.

Learn how!

Things to know:

This snippet is edited through a table-based interface.

List items are added and removed by increasing or decreasing the number of table rows. 

Images are required.

Links are optional. You can add a link to each photo by selecting the photo then choose Insert/Edit Link from the menu.

Image Information:

Image Dimensions (By Pixels): 351px 217px 

Alternatively, if the image has been resized closer to the recommended image size, a 16:10 crop in the Omni Image Editor should work. Note you might not get the exact dimensions, but at least try to match the width. 


When to use this snippet:

An image list is great when you want to bring attention to a small list of links or points.

Adding a small description to each element in the list will help make the list stand-out.

The image list should NOT be used as an image gallery.

Snippet Map:

The images below depict how the fields in the snippet table are rendered in the final result.

Snippet table:

Snippet Map A


Final Result:

Snippet Map B

Live example:

Image List Example

Laudantium cum laboriosam nobis. Ut aliquid perferendis culpa nulla. Laborum consectetur repellat aut consequatur.
Placeholder image
Subtitle reinvent global mindshare
Laudantium facilis at assumenda dignissimos corporis voluptates. Enim ipsum illo. Consectetur similique earum sint hic.
Placeholder image

Title without link

Subtitle reinvent global mindshare
Response third another relate president. Expect his certainly type scientist. Late never drug information final activity hit along.
Placeholder image

Title without link

Subtitle reinvent global mindshare
Response third another relate president. Expect his certainly type scientist. Late never drug information final activity hit along.

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