September 19 2023
Members of the media are invited to cover and photograph the University of the Virgin Islands Athletics Department Meet and Greet on Sept. 22, in the Elridge Blake Sports and Fitness Center on the Orville E. Kean Campus on St. Thomas.
High School Students Sought for Free SAT Prep Program   
September 18 2023
The University of the Virgin Islands (UVI) University Bound (UB) Program is pleased to announce the launch of its free SAT Prep Program for junior and senior high school students attending public, private, and parochial schools on St. Croix.    
Media Invited to Cover and Photograph the 24th Annual Fall Student  Science Research Symposium
September 14 2023
Members of the media are invited to cover and photograph the University of the Virgin Islands College of Science and Mathematics 24th Annual Fall Student Science Research Symposium, “A STEM Show and Tell.” It will take place this Sunday, Sept. 17, 2023, from 2 p.m. - 4 p.m. in the UVI 13D Research and Strategy Innovation Center on the Orville E. Kean Campus on St. Thomas.
September 14 2023
The University of the Virgin Islands (UVI) has announced the establishment of a new partnership between its School of Agriculture and the family of former U.S. Virgin Islands Commissioner of Agriculture Oscar E. Henry.
September 11 2023
The University of the Virgin Islands (UVI) is excited to welcome Dr. Colvin T. Georges, Jr., a native of St. Thomas, as the new Dean of Students for the Albert A. Sheen campus, starting Sept.1, 2023.
August 24 2023
The University of the Virgin Islands (UVI) has announced the appointment of Dale Louis Gaubatz as Vice Provost for Enrollment Management.
 VI SBDC Welcomes New State Director John M. Morosco
August 21 2023
The VI Small Business Development Center (SBDC) has on-boarded its new leadership on August 1st with a familiar face of the territory, Mr. John M. Morosco.
August 14 2023
Dale Joseph has been named the men’s and women’s cross country and track and field coach at the University of the Virgin Islands. Joseph previously led the cross country and track and field program at UVI from 2007-2020, developing both teams to the highest level of competitiveness.
Image of the Albert A. Sheen Campus on St. Croix
August 11 2023
Members of the media are invited to cover and photograph the University of the Virgin Islands Student Convocation and Move-In Day on the University of the Virgin Islands Albert A. Sheen Campus on St. Croix and the Orville E. Kean Campus on St. Thomas.
August 10 2023
Aspiring cooks seeking to gain the skills needed to work in a food-service setting are encouraged to register for the Certified Fundamentals Cook (CFC) program now available at the University of the Virgin Islands Center for Excellence in Leadership and Learning (UVI CELL) on the Orville E. Kean Campus on St Thomas.